[Infect10] U-731 – By All Means…

Simultaneously the debut and swan song for this California based project of Gordon Lazarus, known previously for his work as Defiler and soon to be United Front. For “By All Means…”, we find him continuing the path laid down by his previous project, only upping the paranoia and abject sense of hopelessness and negativity. Make no bones about it, this is a bleak release, and itโ€™s no surprise heโ€™s employed the services of like-minded roster mates John Stillings of Steel Hook Prostheses and Andy Grant of The Vomit Arsonist. The sound is not all that dissimilar to either act, only this seems to slow everything down to an even more morose level (if thatโ€™s possible), where distortion drenched waves of morbid frequencies waft underneath layers of gristle and murky atmospheres. Drowsy, lethargic voices and samples drift in and out of the mix, gaining momentum as it segues into more demented and antagonistic realms, the intensity ratcheted up as the tones become more sinister and agitated. Near the end, as Grant makes his appearance in both F.E.M.A. Care and By All Means, this reaches a near boiling point, before ending in the final moments of Suo Gan/Last Rights, where an angelic chorus is offset by the resonating sounds of explosives and deep reverberations.

Label: Black Plagve (Malignant Records)
Cat#: Infect10
Artist: U-731 (United Front)
Format: EP, 7 x File, Digital / CD
Released: 10 January 2014
Mastered by John Stillings
Sleeve by Gordon Lazarus & Mories (aka Maurice De Jong)
Collaborations tracks featuring John Stillings & Andrew Grant

1. Forced Neurotic Displacement – 06:03
2. Asphyxiant Collapse – 03:40
3. The Mechanics Of Embalming – 07:00
4. Aktion-Freedom. Re-Aktion-Resistance – 07:22
5. F.E.M.A. Care – 12:27
6. By All Means… – 13:02
7. Suo Gan / Last Rights – 06:41

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